Friend (My room mate):
U know
The new girl
Hmm…What about her?
Her skill sets
Huge smile
Sweet talk
Nice pleasant face
Constant questions
To keep ppl thinking she is not sleeping but involved
One question 2 each
Walk in a hurried way
Needless run 2 collect printouts
No test case is being run so far
No work is being done for last 5 days
Forget to add
One more skill set
What’s that?
Laugh or at least smile for every joke played by all
However bulshit it is
Stupidest jokes 2 make ppl comfortable and warmth
And 3 ppl r still assisting her to her questions and sorting things for her accommodation
2 guys have brought lunch for her. List is endless!!
And he concluded the conversation a little later when we met in the evening:
Conclusion: A girl’s smile is equivalent to 4 days of a guy’s hard work!
The above conversation is a figment of our ( me and my friend's imagination). No such person exists on the face of the earth or for that matter, on Jupiter.
Even if the person in question identifies herself and comes back running to me, my above statement will hold good.